Sunday, September 16, 2018

Finish! Baby Flannery's Quilt

It has been a super busy summer and I've fit it a fair amount of sewing, including TONS of binding.  On my goal list for Q3 Finish-A-Long was to complete baby quilts for two of my tennis teammates. They work together and are close friends and were pregnant at the same time-- why not make matching quilts?!?  I'll do separate posts for each quilt.

This is the grey version of the pair of plus quilts and it is for Stephanie and Mac and their new baby girl, Flannery. 💗  

They didn't know if they were having a boy or a girl until she was born and decorated her room with white furniture and grey walls.  I used a lush grey minkee on the back and while binding, I noticed how much it resembled their precious first baby, a cat Beef.  Sadly Beef's long and fun life ended this summer, but he got to meet his new baby sister and now they have a quilt that can be a little reminder of him.

We had a combination end of summer tennis and new baby party last week where I finally gifted the quilts.  Both new families were thrilled!! It's the best part of making and giving! 😊



  1. Such a meaningful quilt for Stephanie, Mac, and Flannery. I'm sure it will look great in their nursery and Flannery will love it.

  2. I love your blog, I'm glad I've re-found it! Makes me feel a tish less guilty that I've not finished my latest quilt. I can look at yours and somehow feel accomplished? Or that my goals are accomplishable?? Anyway, go you!

  3. That is a lovely baby quilt with such a meaningful backstory. On behalf of the entire FAL crew, thanks for participating this year.
