Sunday, September 17, 2017

Galaxy of Stars - Progress!

Thanks to September Sewing Month and my goal of sewing 15 minutes a day, I am making great progress on my wonky red/white/blue star top.  I've decided to rename it "Galaxy of Stars" and it makes me think of this Coldplay song. It's stuck in my head and you can join me! =)

I introduced this block to my friends at the Lutherdale January Retreat and asked people to bring scraps of red and blue.  We made about 30 blocks and I have made nearly 30 more!  I like the smaller sizes and the nestling stars really add visual interest to to quilt.  I've been calling nestled stars either kissing or hugging!  When I make 2 stars together and can use one of the 9 patch corners to be part of the other block's 9 patch it's kissing and when I take an existing star and build another one around it, it is hugging.  ðŸ˜ƒ

Here is my galaxy.  I would LOVE to finish the top by the end of September and have it quilted and bound by the end of the year.  I will be donating this to the Lutherdale auction on behalf of the January Quilters.  It would be fantastic to have it 100% complete by retreat.


Linking up with Judy's Design Wall Monday and Lorna's Let's be Sewcial

1 comment:

  1. It's awesome and thanks for the link to the song. I think I needed to hear it today.
